• What is on your fall bucket list?

      Are you a list maker? I am.  I have countless “to do” lists both of the handwritten and the digital variety.  Those “to-do” lists are of the mundane type.  The chores that must be done, the work projects, the grocery lists.  I decided that I wanted a fun version, thus my fall bucket list.…

  • Seasons Change from Summer to Fall: Fire Roasted Tomato Soup

    I love that there are four distinct seasons of the year.  Each one is unique and leaves me with a bucket list of things to enjoy and do.  The official start of fall this week left me with a major “to do” list.  Top of the list was mums and pumpkins for the front porch…

  • Heirloom cooking, vegetable soup and leftovers

    My Mom’s vegetable soup is  a favorite.  I have fond memories of a bowl of soup, a grilled cheese sandwich and a rerun of an episode of Perry Mason with my Mom. I’ve never quite mastered Mom’s recipe for her soup.  I think part of the reason is she used leftovers.  Ever the home economist,…

  • Taco Soup

    I’m a soup girl.  There is nothing I enjoy more for dinner after a hard day at work than a bowl of homemade soup.  I enjoy cooking and I find it is better for me generally than fast food. I’ve also received a push in that direction from my doctor who encourages me to avoid…

  • Chicken Chorizo Tomato Soup

      One of my tips for managing my time is to make a large pot of soup on Saturday or Sunday.  I have several favorites that I tend to make in rotation.  I freeze some of the pot and eat off the remainder during the week.  It makes for an easy home cooked supper during…